Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bein fat stinks

I wish the waiting list number would change already on the stupid website already. I know I know, the ONE girl who does scheduling for surgery has been on leave. Well, its been a freaking month already...when is she coming back??? I am so tired of being tired, not able to exercise, not able to even put a pair of tennis shoes on, not being able to get out of my huge bathtub without pulling something in my back. I just want to feel good again. Is that too much to ask? (insert violin music). I am tired of taking 7 pills in the morning and another 5 at night. Gagging and almost throwing them up. Niiiiccce, right?
On top of all this, I really really wannnnttttt my hubby home. I miss him so much, and our children have been bratty since he left. You know they were angels before, right? I guess Im just blaming it on him being gone, cause he is the toughy parent and Im the wimpy parent. Tonight Dalton tells me he needs crutches, and then asks our neighbors who cooked for us if they have any he can borrow...ummm no. The last deployment we went through a billion years ago, I would sit and eat boxes of little debbies. no kidding. thats prolly how i got so fat. nahhh I will blame that on having babies.
Oh I need to go to bed and get off my whiney horse.