Friday, December 19, 2008

Weight Loss Surgery

I have thought about having weight loss surgery (gastric bypass) for a while now. Actually I would think about it and then back away from it. Well, recently at a doctor visit I was told that I have a very very high chance of getting diabetes since my dad and brother had it. And also the big kicker is that my brother just passed away from a heart attack and my dad also had heart disease before he died. I feel like this is life or death now. And I am not about to let death win.
I went to an orientation meeting at the hospital for surgery candidates. I was all pumped up about it until they went over everything that you can wave buh bye to as far as eating goes. Rice, pasta, steak, pork (too chewy from what they said). Theres alot more to the list. I was deflated. How unrealisitic is this anyway?? Food is my love. I won't deny it. Its like crack..I love to smell it, cook it, taste it. Heck, I read cookbooks for fun. I have even tossed around the idea of going to culinary school.
So, I thought while I am on the NINE month waiting list for surgery, I will attempt everything humanly possible to take this stupid weight monster off my back. I have been seeing a personal trainer at the gym for a few days now. Her name is Angela and she is like this super excited pixie that just can't wait to see you again to kick your butt. She seems all sweet and innocent, like we are only going to do X amount of these arm exercises, piece of cake right? Yah right. I didn't hurt until last night. I thought I had the flippin flu, I hurt allllll over. Head to toe. Sneaky woman.
I hope this works. I am giving myself 6 months to see an improvement. To get below 200 pounds. Thats only 24 pounds in 6 months. If this doesn't work....I guess its gastric bypass city baybee.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know exactly how you feel.. I am blogging my weight loss adventure on my other blog. ..